Wildfit® 90 Day Challenge

Unlock a Lifetime of Health and Freedom!

Discover the Secrets to a Pain-Free, Energetic Life.

Limited Spots Available!

Imagine a life free from pain, where you feel healthy, vibrant, and in control. Say goodbye to those unwanted kilograms that seem to sneak up on you as the years go by. Whether you're a business professional or not, having a clear mind and thoughts that make sense is truly empowering!

Introducing the Revolutionary Solution:

Transform Your Relationship with Food and Reclaim Your Health

Picture waking up each morning with boundless energy that doesn't rely on caffeine (yes, you read that right!). Shedding kilograms effortlessly, without the need for strenuous exercise or meticulously measuring every bite. And the best part? You'll never go hungry! It's time to give your body the nourishment it deserves and break free from the chains of fake food.

Experience Food Freedom and Effortlessly Transform Your Lifestyle

Forget short-lived diets that barely last a week. This is not just another fad; it's a transformative lifestyle that empowers you to choose how you live. Say goodbye to restrictions and embrace a world of food freedom at its best.

Discover More. Book a Call with Me Today!

Limited Spots Available.

Are you curious to learn more? We understand that you may have questions, and we're here to provide answers. Secure your spot now for a one-on-one call with me, where we can explore if this is the right fit for you. Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you!

Don't Wait! Reserve Your Spot Now and Embark on Your Journey to Optimal Health!

Limited spots are available, and we wouldn't want you to miss out on this life-changing opportunity. Act now by booking your call with me, and together, we'll explore the path to a healthier, happier YOU.

Experience health and vitality with the WildFit 90 Day Challenge. Eric Edmeades, Founder of WildFit, discusses what you can expect with the WildFit program and how you can create lasting change. You'll find increased energy and vitality along with releasing weight. This is not a weightloss program, though it may be one of the most effective weightloss programs out there. It's a powerful combination of food psychology and nutrition. Find out more about WildFit's 90 Day Challenge and learn how you can change your relationship with food.

Adaire Palmer

WILDFIT ® Certified Coach

About Adaire

Hi there, I’m a 60-something Mother of 4 and Mumma of 6 beautiful Grandkids. I live on a houseboat at the front beach near Coochiemudlo Island, Queensland Australia.

I did the WILDFIT® 90 day challenge in August 2022. After a lifetime of different diets and fluctuating weight, skin conditions and painful joints from inflammation, I was over the moon to finally let go of the fight with food, gaining complete food freedom, releasing over 19kgs, sleeping better, completely pain free and to find the Psoriasis flare ups have reduced to practically zero, I have clarity of thought, sleep better and more energy than your average 35 year old!

I used to think that I’d have to live with the extra kgs and joint pain, because that’s how we are taught to think from an early age. How many times have you heard ‘it’s menopause, so I’m stuck with it’, or ‘I’ve resigned myself to not being as fit or slim as I was, I’m getting older and there’s not much I can do about it’. This is NOT TRUE! I’m living proof that anything is possible with the right information and application of that information!

Living onboard a boat has it’s challenges, including getting water from the jetty daily, hefting heavy water and gas bottles and not losing balance when it’s windy. Jumping up and down on and off the jetty, dragging the carboat up the beach, and even reeling in the big ones off the back of the boat.

I love my life and part way through the challenge, I had an opportunity to become a WILDFIT® Certified Coach. If you’ve ever had one of those moments when you know without a shadow of a doubt this is what you were meant to be doing, this was it for me!

I registered and began the training. I haven’t looked back.

My vision is that everyone I come into contact with has an opportunity to do the WILDFIT® Program, or at the very least, find out more about it.

My wish is for all who participate, a long life, and to be healthy enough to enjoy it right to the end, fulfilling every wish in your bucket list! perhaps even spending all your kids' inheritance as you do.

I look forward to talking with you! Let's thrive and create a life worth living!

What Rachael said about completing a challenge and working with me.

Carol messaged me just 4 weeks into a Challenge and had this to say: 

Wildfit® 90 Day Challenge